Login to CenBank Online

New Online Banking Coming Soon!

Our new internet banking will be available starting on Tuesday, February 13th. Customers will need to download our New Mobile App "CenBank" on February 13th


We will not request confidential information via email or the internet, nor will we contact you to confirm any online banking identification information.

If at any time you do not remember your password, or if your account has been "Locked Out", you can use your self reset if you had set up or contact our Buffalo Lake office. If you get an error indicating that your Online Banking access has been "suspended", notify us immediately.

Some internet browsers may save user names and passwords. This will automatically complete any login for you and may allow people at your computer to use your logins without knowing your passwords. For your security, please review your internet browser's "Help" section, or contact their Customer Support, to see if this option is available and how to turn it off.