PLEASE NOTE: We support the current major releases of Internet Explorer (IE) 11, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Chrome. The supported browsers listed are for use with the traditional online banking interface and devices (desktop/laptop), and do not apply to use with mobile devices (phones/tablets). If you are using a mobile device, please download our apps from the Google Play, or Apple App Store.

Login to FPB Online Banking

If your PIN/Password is locked, please contact us during business hours at 865-475-9052 to get assistance with setting your account up for self-reset of PIN/Password. Once this setup is completed, you will be able to reset your PIN/Password anytime. The reset will enable your most recently used PIN/Password. If you cannot remember the most recent PIN/Password, you will need to call us at 865-475-9052 during business hours for assistance.
Some internet browsers may save user names and passwords. This will automatically complete any login for you and may allow people at your computer to use your logins without knowing your passwords. For your security, please review your internet browser's "Help" section, or contact their Customer Support, to see if this option is available and how to turn it off.