“On February 21, 2017, American Patriot Bank becomes Apex Bank. Your account will convert to an Apex Bank account. After this conversion, you will no longer be able to access your American Patriot Bank account e-statements. If you wish to retain your e-statements, please download them prior to February 17, 2017. Apex Bank also offers e-statements and you will have the ability to access, view and download your new e-statements after February 21, 2017. Call 423.636.1555 with questions.”

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American Patriot Bank has the services and expertise to partner effectively with your business. Through our financial solutions, we can help you choose the right business loans and lines of credit. Whatever your financial need, our team of advisors can help you find the solution for your business.
Some internet browsers may save user names and passwords. This will automatically complete any login for you and may allow people at your computer to use your logins without knowing your passwords. For your security, please review your internet browser's "Help" section, or contact their Customer Support, to see if this option is available and how to turn it off.